Monday, March 26, 2012

Ball & Socket Stop-Motion Armatures For 2 Alien Creatures!

Here're some armatures for Director Scott Portingales Stop-Mo project.
The big one is about 16" tall and the little one about 6".
All stainless steel with SignFoam to bulk up the body mass areas.

Threw a Sharpie in there for scale on the big guy.


jriggity said...

great looking armatures man.


Graham Read said...


BlacknickSculpture said...

Sweet looking armatures!

Josh Mahan said...


Seema Virdi said...

Your blog is amazing! Your puppets are very beautiful and inspiring!

Stephanye Robert said...

Hi Graham, I'm new to Stop-Mo and I want to build my own armature (yours are so cool!). Where would you suggest I buy all the parts needed to do so?